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The Manchester Skull Base Unit runs an annual skull base surgery course in collaboration with the Francis Barbara Thornley Trust


Funding clinical and basic science research in to conditions affecting the skull base


Senior trainees in ENT and Neurosurgery can train to a higher level in skull base surgery.

The Skull Base Foundation is a collaboration between the Manchester Skull Base Unit and the Frances Barbara Thornley Trust. We aim to support development in the care of patients with skull base disease through education and through clinical and basic science research.

How Can You Help


If you would like to help raise funds to achieve the aims of the Skull Base Foundation please click here


If you would like to donate money to the Skull Base Foundation please click here

Tel: 01625 537486

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The Skull Base Foundation is the trading name for the Frances Barbara Thornley Foundation. Charity No. 280343.

Trustees: Simon Lloyd, Gareth Evans, Scott Rutherford

Registered Office: PO Box 411, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0EJ.

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