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Young Doctor

Manchester Skull Base Fellowships

The Manchester Skull Base Service has 4 fellowships,

one in microscopic skull base neurosurgery, one in pituitary and endoscopic skull base neurosurgery, one in otolaryngology focusing on lateral skull base and another in otolaryngology focusing on the anterior skull base.


Each runs for 1 year and are aimed at post-CCT trainees from the UK and worldwide who have an interest in skull base surgery. The fellows gain extensive experience in the management of skull base conditions with a particular focus on surgical training and clinical decision making. There are also significant research opportunities.


The Manchester skull base service is the largest of its kind in the UK dealing with over 500 new skull base tumour referrals a year, 200 of which are new vestibular schwannomas. We carry out around 50 vestibular schwannoma surgeries a year. We also have a large NF2 practice and the largest auditory brainstem programme for adults and children in the UK. The team prides itself on its close multidisciplinary approach to care. The lateral skull base otolaryngology fellow will also gain extensive experience in complex middle ear surgery, neuro-otology and cochlear implantation. The anterior skull base otolaryngology fellow will gain extensive experience in complex rhinology.


Our fellowship is one of the longest running in the UK and our fellowship alumni now work at leading centres in the UK and across the globe. These fellowships are supported by the Skull Base Foundation.

For further information please contact:

Otolaryngology Lateral Skull Base Fellow
0161 701 1218
Otolaryngology Anterior Skull Base Fellow
0161 276 4426
Neurosurgery Skull Base Fellow
0161 206 0119
Neurosurgery Endoscopic Skull Base Fellow

Tel: 01625 537486

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The Skull Base Foundation is the trading name for the Frances Barbara Thornley Foundation. Charity No. 280343.

Trustees: Simon Lloyd, Gareth Evans, Scott Rutherford

Registered Office: PO Box 411, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0EJ.

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